Use the market-leading DATEV-Software DATEV software

With our DATEV-package we offer the most comprehensive modules for DATEV export and import from and to Odoo currently available on the market. 

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    Included modules  

    DATEV ASCII export of postings

    The standard export also for other accounting systems such as Addison, Lexware and Agenda.  

    The standard export is a CSV file that contains the bookings in the respective table format, so that they can be processed by DATEV and other accounting programs. The configuration of the ASCII export offers a wide range of setting options:

    • Consultant and client number
    • Validation check of the postings for conformity to DATEV
    • Extensive configuration of account master and tax key
    • Selection of export method between gross and net (without DATEV automatic)
    • Grouping of posting lines with the same properties
    • Setting of date format for other accounting systems
    • Selection of standard journals
    • Consideration of payment term and payment block
    • Consideration of bank accounts and direct debit mandates
    • Additional module for the generation of customer and vendor numbers (see below)
    • Additional module for the generation of ASCII master data export (see below)
    • Already exported postings cannot be exported more than once
    • Extensive configuration options for the posting text

    DATEV XML invoice export

    Export of incoming and outgoing invoices as ZIP file including document images for processing in DATEV Enterprise Online.

    With the XML export, we provide the option of exporting incoming and outgoing invoices that have been created and entered in Odoo in a ZIP file. This file is then transferred to the DATEV computer center using the document transfer, processed with Unternehmen Online and thus made available to the tax advisor for retrieval in the office accounting system. The export offers the following options:

    • Separate or joint export of incoming and outgoing invoices
    • Standard export without booking data for the use of DATEV text recognition
    • Extended export with posting data
    • Grouping of invoice lines with the same properties
    • Consideration of payment term and payment block

    DATEV ASCII postings import

    Import of bookings to Odoo in DATEV format.

    The DATEV ASCII import offers the possibility to import any bookings from the external accounting system to Odoo. Mostly this module is used for the import of payroll entries or bank entries. The import offers various possibilities for configuration and can also process other imports besides the DATE ASCII format. The only important thing at this point is that the file to be imported contains a column with debit/credit indicators.

    • Free configuration of the import format (preconfigured for DATEV)
    • Automatic matching of the posting GUID to avoid duplicate imports
    • Automatic balancing of open items

    DATEV ASCII master data export

    Export of customer and vendor master data in ASCII format.

    Der DATEV-ASCII Stammdatenexport ermöglicht den Export von Kunden- und Lieferantenstammdaten im bekannten ASCII-Format. Exportiert werden dabei nur solche Stammdaten, die seit dem letzten Export auch tatsächlich Änderungen erfahren haben. Folgende Optionen sind wählbar:

    • Separate or joint export of customer or supplier master data
    • Choice between the formats for Accounting and Company Online
    • Possibility of complete export or only new and changed master data

    Number generation

    Manual or automatic generation of customer and vendor numbers.

    The module offers the possibility of manual or automatic generation of customer and vendor numbers. Furthermore, customer and vendor numbers can be generated separately.

    • Definition of number ranges in the configuration
    • Possibility to generate separately also financial accounts (not recommended)
    • Possibility to create independent number ranges for customer and vendor numbers
    • Automated generation can be specified for
      • creation of master data
      • Confirmation of customer or vendor order
      • Creation of a draft customer or supplier invoice
    • Possibility to copy the customer or vendor number to the reference field in the master data


    Subscribe and stay informed about version updates and new features.


    Package price

    3000 .00

    /one time
    • Full access to all modules


    600 .00

    • Update to always latest version
    • Bugfixes and further development
    • Module at upgrade also for other Odoo versions
    • discounted support

    *All prices are net plus VAT

    *The upgrade subscription always gives you access to the latest version of the modules incl. all features. Furthermore, we provide you with the modules for other Odoo versions free of charge, should you change your Odoo version.