Movement Types and Topics
With the Movement-Types-module, a transaction type can be specified for each booking. An evaluation is subsequently performed using the standard ODOO-pivot-function.
Possible applications
Transaction types fixed assets as well as "transaction mirrors" for loans, equity and accruals.
Topics enable a clearer categorization of entries by linking each entry with a Topic corresponding to the respective theme. Unclear accounts or even sub-ledger accounting in Excel are thus a thing of the past.
Possible applications: Addition Provision, Consumption Provision, Reversal Provision, Addition Assets, Depr. Asset, Reversal Asset, Reversal Depr. Asset, Reclassification Asset, Loan Addition, Loan Repayment, Loan Addition Interest, Loand Repayment Interest etc.
For the "Other accruals" account, a topic with the description "WP-2022 individual financial statement" is defined. This topic can now be attached to every entry that has a thematic connection. No matter if it is a creation, a release or a utilization. The result is a simple possibility to get an overview of "Accruals per subject".
Another possible application could be found in the area of "Loans": Instead of a separate general ledger account for each loan, only ONE collective account is created. A distinction between the different loans is now simply made via the respective linked circumstances.
A batchrun to mark, identify and invoice IC-charges. The IC-Collector enables an external incoming invoice to be split between the subsidiaries of a corporation as soon as it is entered. Thus, at the end of a period, outgoing invoices (in the clearing company) and incoming invoices in draft (in the cleared company) can be created via a Batch, listing all collected invoice lines. The original PDFs are automatically attached in the process. In addition, 100% automated account determination becomes possible, even in the case of differing charts of accounts between companies.
Possible applications
External incoming invoices, outgoing and incoming IC-invoices, automated account determination.
A service invoice is sent to the headquarters although the actual service recipients are one or more subsidiaries of this corporation. The received invoice amounts would now have to be marked and "debited" to the respective subsidiaries at the end of the month, often involving a lot of effort.
The IC-Collector, however, now enables the responsible accountant to mark these entries as future debits and furthermore to assign them directly to the corresponding subsidiaries. The additional, time-consuming work at the end of the month is completely eliminated as all further processes are now 100% automated by starting the batch run.
Marks partners in Odoo that are intercompany partners (affiliated companies), i.e. group companies. This is subsequently necessary for IC reconciliaiton and later also for (legal) consolidation, at least if this is to be automated in software like Lucanet or in Excel.
In addition, accounts can be defined as IC accounts, which in turn forces an entry of IC partners.
Possible applications
Group with relationships between group companies, if consolidation and/or intercompany reconciliation is desired.
If you enter an IC account in a transaction line, you can only add partners that are group companies.
(Attention: in Odoo it is possible to enter a partner in each line item, regardless of whether it is a customer/vendor account, an OP ledger account or a normal G/L account).